10 Best Ways to Make Money from Your Blog

Last Updated on October 25, 2024 by Kundan Sharma

Best Ways to Make Money from Your Blog
In previous articles, I have shared some of the best tips on how to start a successful blog but now it’s time to talk about best ways to make money from your blog.

Everybody wants to know the ways to make money with a blog before going to start one.

Blogger likes Harsh Agrawal from Shout Me Loud earning more than $30,000 every month from blogging. he is a real example that you could also make money from blogging.
There are so many ways to make money with a blog but in this post, I’m going to share with you the popular ways to monetize a blog.

10 Best Ways to Earn Money From A Blog

1. Google Adsense

It’s one of the best and popular ways to earn money from a website. You only need to apply for an Adsense account, once you got the approval then you will start earning money.

You need lots of traffic on your site to earn with the advertisement. You only just have to paste the adsense codes in your blog where you want to display ads on your site.
Google Adsense is the primary and easiest way to earn money with a blog.

2. Display Banner Ads

Banners ads different than Google AdSense because you don’t need to pay middlemen fees. Google works as a middle man between advertisers and publishers and takes a big amount of earnings as a commission.

With direct advertisement, don’t need to pay anything to anyone.
You get direct ads from the advertiser who wants to run ads on your blog.
It is a good way to earn a fixed amount every month from a blog.

The amount can be between $500 to 1000 it depends on how big the audience you have.
Buysellads is a great market place for publishers and advertisers.

3. Affiliate Product

Affiliate Marketing is the best way to earn money with a blog and my favorite way to make money online.
You can sell someone product through your blog to earn a commission. affiliate marketing has the potential to make thousands of dollars from a blog.

You just need to sign up with the affiliate programs of products that come under your blog niche and promote them on your blog through text links and banner ads.

Once someone buys through your referral link, you will get the commission.
You can earn between $30 to $50 dollars depends on the products.

Famous blogger Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income earning more than 50,000 just from affiliate products.
Here the list of top affiliate programs you can join them.

4. Review of Products

Too many companies are doing business online that comes under your blog topic.
They offer you money to write a positive product review on your site.
Believe me, they offer you a good amount for a review, most bloggers earn handsome income from sponsorship post.

Paid reviews are not good but if you are satisfied with their products and also think that your blog readers should know about it then there is nothing bad to write about the product review. You can charge for one sponsorship article between $50 to $500 again its depend on how authority blog you have.

5. Sell Digital Products

There is a lot of digital product like e-book, videos, courses and etc.
You can sell them on your blog by selling digital products you can make a passive monthly income.

For this,
You will need to first build trust and credibility with your blog followers. Once they start to believing in your thoughts and ideas then off courses they invest in your other paid resources.

The most important thing to keep in mind while selling digital products through your blog that your e-book, courses, videos and workshop cost should be not expensive.

6. Sell Physical Products

Selling physical products through a blog is also a good way to make money with your blog.
If you have a Shopify store then you can easily promote products via writing posts on your blog.
You can paste the text links and banner of products in the article.

If you are using WordPress then woo commerce is a tool that helps you to sell products through your blog all over the world.

7. Consultation Service

As you know consultant service is expensive and people invest in experts to get ideas to build their own business.
If you don’t like to earn with ads, affiliate products, and digital products then you can monetize your blog with consultant service.
If you are good with your niche and your audience like your post then, they, of course, hire you to get things done properly.

For example: If you write an article about online marketing and social media marketing then probably some of your audience want to hire you to get advice and tips.
Neil Patel is one of the worlds famous digital marketer earn money from his consultant service most of the lead he got from his blog.

He helps businesses to generate more revenue that same thing you can also do with your blog to get started with consulting service.

8. Membership Website

A membership website with a monthly subscription fee is a good way to earn money by delivering more valuable content.
It is a little hard to start a subscription website because you will need lots of followers.
Only Who trusts in your content going to buy the membership and you always need to upload fresh content on your membership website.

9. Promote Your Offline Business

The blog is a good way to promote your products and services over the Internet.
Most bloggers don’t talk about this method.
These days the internet is the best way to reach up to more customers and every business should have their own website.

You can write a post about your products and services and share details like numbers and addresses so peoples can know more about you and able to reach up to you.
In this way, you can grow your offline business with a blog.

10. Organize Events

You can organize events through the blog and sell tickets from your blog.
 you can earn a decent amount from your blog.
You require a lot of hard work and planning to organize any events under your blog niche.


There are so many ways to earn money with a blog. If you are a beginner then you need to keep in your mind that first, you need visitors on your site.
If you don’t have visitors on your blog then you can’t earn.

Once you have traffic on the blog then you can go with Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing to earn money.

Later you can try other ways.
Don’t go with everything at the same time just focus one thing at a time.
I hope this post was helpful to you. I do love to hear your response on this post.
I will feel great if you take some precious time and leave your valuable comment below.

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